Classica et Christiana, 18/2, 2023 /399

Fabrizio FERACO (Università della Calabria)
Un’umiliante indigenza: nota testuale ed esegetica ad Ammiano, 14, 6, 13 [A humbling poverty: textual and exegetic note about Ammianus, 14, 6, 13]

Keywords: Ammianus Marcellinus, textual criticism, poverty, begging.

Abstract: A humbling poverty: textual and exegetic note about Ammianus, 14, 6, 13. In the first Roman digression, Ammianus describes the humbling condition of a respectable foreigner, who is forced, in order to live, to offer his greeting to a rich man. I pay attention, in particular, to the last part of this sketch. On the one hand, I propose to correct the transmitted reading et non temisero in et <si> non ut miser and I mean ut miser in a declaratory-casual sense (= “since you are poor”); on the other hand, I accept the reading stipi, that is proposed by Demandt, but not the preposition in and moreover I interpret stipi in the sense of “begging”, because, in my opinion, in this context the key element is the poverty of the foreigner.



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2023-18.2.399