Classica et Christiana, 18/2, 2023 /363

Saverio CARILLO (Dipartimento di Architettura e Disegno Industriale, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”)
La casa di Dio tra le case degli uomini. Lo spazio sacro come paesaggio culturale [The house of God among the houses of men. The sacred space as a cultural landscape]

Keywords: Spazio sacro, architettura e design liturgico, Cimitile, am­bone, casa rurale e paesaggio.

 Abstract: The house of God among the houses of men. The sacred space as a cultural landscape. A depiction of an angel incensing the body of a deceased while standing on the top of the roof of a house, inside a frescoed arco­solium in the Paleo-Christian complex of Cimitile induces us to reflect on the shape and design of the liturgical place for the proclamation of the word inside the Christian worship hall. The contribution illustrates the close analogies between the traditional residence of the territory and the profound formal assonances with the environments in which the Christian liturgy developed and became explicit in works of fixed furniture within sacred spaces.



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2023-18.2.363