Classica et Christiana, 18/1, 2023 /235

Stefano Rozzi (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Torino)
Legioni, un esercito “non” violento? [Legions, a “non” vio­lent army?]

Keywords: violenza, crudelitas, discordia, feritas, ferocitas, furor, im­ma­nitas, impietas, inhumanitas, vis, βία, δεινός, θυμικός, σφοδρός, trattati militari, de re militari.

Abstract: Legions, a “non” violent army? The aim of this paper is to examine some preliminary ways to investigate the lack of violent words in the Ro­man military literature both in Latin and Greek. The absence of this kind of terminology could have its roots in a certain way of thinking caused by social and anthropological environment. The paper suggests some research topics that can be explored to track down the origin of this phenomenon.



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2023-18.1.235