Classica et Christiana, 17/2, 2022 / 405

Immacolata Aulisa (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro),
Rischi della na­vi­gazione e santuari nelle fonti nautiche tra an­ti­chità e medioevo

Keywords: sea, sanctuaries, portolans, circumnavigation, nautical sour­ces.

Abstract: Risks of navigation and sanctuaries in the nautical sources between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Man’s attitudes and reactions in the face of the danger of the sea constitute one of the most significant mo­ments in his relationship with the holy mat­ter. The analysis intends to focus attention on places of worship and sacred spaces linked to the sea and maritime itineraries which have been recognized as having a surplus of sacredness, namely the ‛sanc­tu­aries’. The survey is based on different types of sources, especially those closely related to the nautical environment. In fact, it is possible to investigate how the maritime space and its landings have assumed a particular religious significance and how this is perceived and described in multiple sources of pagan and Christian environments with intertwin­ing, persistence, and innovations.


DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2022-17.2.405