Tonmodel und Reliefmedaillons aus den Donau­län­dern

Classica et Christiana, 16/1, 2021 /327-341

“Tonmodel und Reliefmedaillons aus den Donau­län­dern”: un’attestazione da Barboşi (Galaţi) [“Tonmodel und Re­lief­medaillons aus den Donau­län­dern”: an evidence from Barboşi (Galaţi)]

Alessandro TEATINI



“Tonmodel und Re­lief­medaillons aus den Donau­län­dern”: an evidence from Barboşi (Ga­laţi). An interesting object exhibited in the Museum of History at Ga­laţi and found in one of the cemeteries near the cas­tel­lum of Barboşi can be iden­tified as a clay medallion that falls into a class of ma­­terials first analyzed by A. Alföldi and including also circular molds. The most recent studies on this class confirmed, on the one hand, its prevalent (but not ex­clu­sive) diffusion in the Da­nu­bian provinces, while on the other they revised the early interpretation that related them to the production of sweets. In the light of these updated consi­de­ra­tions, this medallion that came to light more than half a cen­tury ago has been ana­lyzed here, putting forward new proposals for the in­ter­pre­tation both on its nature and on the characteristics of its relief decoration.


Barboşi, castellum, clay medallions, Danubian provinces



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2021-16.1.327