Classica et Christiana, 18/2, 2023 /319

Antonella Bruzzone (Università degli Studi di Sassari)
In te mundi amor consonat. Aezio paradigma di virtù in Merobaude [In te mundi amor consonat. Aetius paradigm of virtues in Merobaudes]

Keywords: Flavius Merobaudes, Aetius, panegyrics, virtues, visibility.

Abstract: In te mundi amor consonat. Aetius paradigm of vir­tu­es in Me­robaudes. From Merobaudes’ two panegyrics to Aetius (one in prose, dat­ing from around 440 CE, the other in verse, dating from 446 CE) e­merges an ideal model of charismatic leader, with a specific configuration and a peculiar nature. In fact, the virtutes that Merobaudes attributes to Aetius, both in the public and pri­vate spheres, however topical they may be within the genre, are nevertheless re­considered by the writer through a new awareness and reproposed from a per­sonal prospective. The result is a vivid portrait of a man completely dedicated to the common interest and who identifies public life – mainly the military one – with life tout court: in this way, he exerts a strong power of seduction and inspires unconditional devotion.



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2023-18.2.319