Classica et Christiana, 18/1, 2023 /279

Gemma STORTI (PhD The Ohio State University)
La violenza militare contro lo straniero: tracce di xene­lasia nel mondo tardoantico [Military violence against foreigners: traces of xenelasia in the late antique world]

Keywords: xenelasia, Gainas, Chrysostom, Stilicho, Aspar.

Abstract: Military violence against foreigners: traces of xene­lasia in the late antique world. The present paper takes into account the use of the word xene­lasia in a homily by John Chrysostom. It shows that this word was still preserved in Late Antiquity and could retain its symbolic value of conta­mi­nation when applied to special circumstances of civil crisis, such as the turmoil that involved Gainas and the Goths in Constantinople in the year 400.



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2023-18.1.279