Claudia TĂRNĂUCEANU (Centre d’Études Classiques et Chrétiennes, Université « Alexandru Ioan Cuza » de Iași),
Observations sur quelques aspects stylistiques et syntaxiques dans Iulii Obsequentis Prodigiorum Liber: modèles classiques et innovations tardives [Observations on some stylistic and syntactic aspects in Iulii Obsequentis Prodigiorum Liber: classic models and late innovations]
Keywords: Obsequens, prodigies, „verbal” hyperbatum, stylistic figures.
Abstract: Observations on some stylistic and syntactic aspects in Iulii Obsequentis Prodigiorum Liber: classic models and late innovations. Prodigiorum liber, a late Latin text with a “technical” character (an inventory of prodigies), is not entirely devoid of stylistic figures. Syntactic dislocations usually have a pragmatic role, but, sometimes, especially under the classical influence, an ornamental one. Unlike other disjunctions, the “verbal” hyperbatum is much rarely used in this work and its presence draws our attention, being a surprising stylistic subtlety for a non-literary text belonging to Late Antiquity.