Patrizia MASCOLI (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro),
Le lettere commendaticiae in Sidonio Apollinare tra vita quotidiana e impegni istituzionali [Sidonius Apollinaris’s letters of recommendation between everyday life and institutional commitments]
Keywords: Sidonius Apollinaris, bishop, defender of Gaul, commendaticiae epistles.
Summary: Sidonius Apollinaris’s letters of recommendation between everyday life and institutional commitments. The bishop who in the 5th century Gaul was no longer just the spiritual guide of his community, in fact assumed a function of great political and moral importance in the government of the civitas to the point of playing an antagonistic role towards the new conquerors. The letters of recommendation and correspondence of Sidonius Apollinaris deal with issues that pertain to daily life, to the election of other clerics as bishop, to the conflicts with other religious groups, to questions of a moral nature, to family matters and judicial cases, to requests for protection and assistance to citizens.