Classica et Christiana, 17/1, 2022 /271


Antonella TEDESCHI (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Foggia),
Il modello ciceroniano di princeps nella Pro Mar­cello [The ciceronian model of princeps in the Pro Marcello]

Keywords: rhetoric, clementia, sapientia, princeps.

Abstract: The ciceronian model of princeps in the Pro Marcello. In the oration pronounced for the mercy to the ex-pompeian Marcus Claudius Mar­­cellus (Pro Marcello), in september 46 a. C., Cicero praises Caesar’s extraor­dinary virtues: mildness (mansuetudo), indulgence (clementia), moderation (modus) and wisdom (sapientia). Through praise, transformed into political suasoria, Cicero of­fers Caesar a model of good governance inspired by ethical qualities: this is the only way to ensure social pacification, to consolidate power and to achieve eternal memory among posterity. Cicero hands down to posterity the behavioral habitus of the moderate and good princeps destined – starting from the principate – for a long life.


DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2022-17.1.271