“Trichora sub altaria”: l’altare tricoro della ba­silica nova di Cimitile. Problemi esegetici ed evidenze lessicali nella ri­costruzione dell’abside paoliniana

Classica et Christiana, 16/1, 2021 /67-82


“Trichora sub altaria”: l’altare tricoro della ba­silica nova di Cimitile. Problemi esegetici ed evidenze lessicali nella ri­costruzione dell’abside paoliniana [“Trichora sub altaria”: the tri­cor altar in the basilica nova in Cimitile. Exegetical problems and le­xi­cal evidence in the re­con­struction of the paolinian apsis]
Maria Carolina CAMPONE



“Trichora sub altaria”: the tricor altar in the basilica nova in Cimitile. Exegetical problems and lexical evidence in the re­con­struction of the paolinian apsis. The correct translation of a passage by Pau­linus of Nola (Ep. 32, 10) sheds light on the characteristics of the basilica nova which he had in Ci­mi­tile (Naples) and, more generally, on early Christian archi­tec­ture. The com­pa­ra­tive analysis of written sources and archaeological evidence – a unicum of extra­or­di­nary importance for the basilica complex founded by the saint – constitutes an es­sential opportunity to get to know the early Christian art and Paulinus’ thought, provided, however, not to make mistakes the translation, which do not al­low a cor­rect understanding of the text.


trichora apse, Paulinus of Nola, early Christian architecture



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2021-16.1.67