Tracce della ricezione dei Punica di Silio Italico in età moderna: un fortunato ritratto di Annibale (Sil. 11, 342-346)

Classica et Christiana, 16/1, 2021 /205-233

Tracce della ricezione dei Punica di Silio Italico in età moderna: un fortunato ritratto di Annibale (Sil. 11, 342-346) [Traces of the reception of Silius Italicus’ Punica in mo­dern age: a lucky por­trait of Hannibal (Sil. 11, 342-346)]




Traces of the reception of Silius Italicus’ Punica in mo­dern age: a lucky portrait of Hannibal (Sil. 11, 342-346). The article exa­mi­nes the traces of Fortleben in the modern age of some verses of the Punica of Si­lius Italicus (11, 342-346) repeteadly quoted and praised, as exemplary of noble and grandiose ex­pression, in treatises of literary theory and rhetoric widely spread in France, Italy and England, and even in the United States. Apart from (re­cog­niz­ed) intrinsic merits of the text, there is the undeniable weight of the Livian pre­ce­dent, on which Silius builds one of the most characteristic episodes of the eleven­th book of his poem.


Silius Italicus, Livius, Hannibal, maiestas



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2021-16.1.205