Classica et Christiana, 16/1, 2021 /205-233
Tracce della ricezione dei Punica di Silio Italico in età moderna: un fortunato ritratto di Annibale (Sil. 11, 342-346) [Traces of the reception of Silius Italicus’ Punica in modern age: a lucky portrait of Hannibal (Sil. 11, 342-346)]
Traces of the reception of Silius Italicus’ Punica in modern age: a lucky portrait of Hannibal (Sil. 11, 342-346). The article examines the traces of Fortleben in the modern age of some verses of the Punica of Silius Italicus (11, 342-346) repeteadly quoted and praised, as exemplary of noble and grandiose expression, in treatises of literary theory and rhetoric widely spread in France, Italy and England, and even in the United States. Apart from (recognized) intrinsic merits of the text, there is the undeniable weight of the Livian precedent, on which Silius builds one of the most characteristic episodes of the eleventh book of his poem.
Silius Italicus, Livius, Hannibal, maiestas