Teologie și politică. Maxim Mărturisitorul despre jus­tificarea formelor de guvernământ

Classica et Christiana, 16/1, 2021 /145-164

Teologie și politică. Maxim Mărturisitorul despre jus­tificarea formelor de guvernământ [Theology and Politics: Ma­xi­mus the Confessor on the Justification of the Forms of Government]




Theology and Politics: Maximus the Confessor on the Justification of the Forms of Government. In the lines below, I have tried to extract some elements, especially from the Epistle 10 (following the catalogue of Sherwood) and the acts of Saint Maximus’ trial that deal with the role of the Emperor and in which way he could have interfered into the life of the Church. These elements have been corroborated with ideas extracted from other writings that were kept from the 7th century and, of course, my statements were based on the few studies of the contemporary exegesis that has approached this subject.


Maximus the Confessor, Epistle 10, Church, emperor, will, forms of government.



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2021-16.1.145