La teología neoplatónica en De doctrina Christiana. Descubrir y comunicar a Dios en la exé­gesis

Classica et Christiana, 16/1, 2021 /47-66


La teología neoplatónica en De doctrina Christiana. Descubrir y comunicar a Dios en la exé­gesis [The neoplatonic theology in De doctrina christiana. Dis­cover and communicate God in exegesis] 
Claudio César CALABRESE, Ethel JUNCO



The neoplatonic theology in De doctrina christiana. Dis­cover and communicate God in exegesis. In our paper we present the work De doctrina christiana as the theological culmination, in an exegetical key, of the Neoplatonic vision of the world, which Saint Augustine expresses in the dia­lo­gues of Cassiciaco. We explore how the tradition begun by Plato, which lays the foun­dations of the intellectual and lin­guistic conditions to base a discourse on God, although in the realm of im­ma­nent physis, now illuminates a transcendent and ineffable understanding of God. Saint Augustine took a fundamental step with respect to De dialectica and De ma­gistro, since, starting from the semiotics of the first and the theory of know­ledge of the second, he established a philosophy of language as a way of sustaining the scope of biblical exegesis. The Augustinian experience of reading Scripture, which offers praecepta to distinguish the literal sense from the figurative and tools to understand the second, seeks to discover and communicate God.


neoplatonism, St. Augustine, theology, Scripture, linguistic sign, exegesis, literal meaning, figurative meaning



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2021-16.1.47