Classica et Christiana, 17/2, 2022 / 595

Giovanni Antonio NIGRO (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro),
Le epistulae commendaticiae di Basilio di Cesarea fra tradizione e innovazione [Basil’s Letters of Recommendation between Tradition and Innovation]

Keywords: Basil of Caesarea, recommendation letters, letter collections.

 Abstract: Basil’s Letters of Recommendation between Tradition and Innovation. Late antique letter collections are mostly interesting in order to discover less known aspects of the daily life. This essay deals with Basil of Cae­sarea’s correspondence and his recommendation letters, which are very useful to track back his social and cultural networks, mainly with imperial high-rank of­fi­cers (Modestus, Helladius, Aburgios). Recommendation letters ask for tax exemp­tions to monks and priests, require intervention to help widows, orphans, poors, save friends in peril.  


DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2022-17.2.595