Classica et Christiana, 17/1, 2022 /239


Miguel P. Sancho Gómez (Universidad Católica San Antonio, Murcia, España),
Las batallas gemelas de Mursa Maior (c. 260, 351), las usurpaciones y el desarrollo clave de la nueva caballería en el ejército romano tardío [The twin battles at Mursa (c. 260, 351), the usurpations and the key development of the new cavalry in the Late Roman army]

Keywords: Roman army, usurpers, cavalry, Mursa, Magnentius, Con­stan­tius II, Third Century Crisis, Late Antiquity.

 Abstract: The twin battles at Mursa (c. 260, 351), the usur­pa­tions and the key development of the new cavalry in the Late Roman army. In this work we will offer some guidelines and ideas re­fer­ring to three related events, such as the battles carried out in Mursa, cur­rent Osijek, in Croatia, in the years c. 260 and 351 AD, the development of the new heavy cavalry in the frame­work of the Late Roman Army, and the pheno­menon of usurpations, of essential importance in the third and fourth cen­turies. Putting these three themes in context, we will try to find a clearer portrait for seeking historical so­lutions to better study the period.


DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2022-17.1.239