Classica et Christiana, 17/1, 2022 /217


Liviu PILAT (Centrului de Cercetări pri­vind E­li­tele Sociale și Ideologia Puterii, Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași),
Tiranul moldovean între gândirea renascentistă și dominația otomană. Revolta boierilor din 1523 [The Moldavian tyrannt bet­ween thought and Ottoman domination. Boyars’ revolt of 1523]

Keywords: tyranny, history of power, Moldavia, Poland, Hungary, Ot­to­mans, boyars, Luca Arbure.

Abstract: The Moldavian tyrant between thought and Ot­to­man domination. Boyars’ revolt of 1523. Studies dedicated to tyranny are few for Romanian Principalities and they are based especially on narrative sources which describe the bad government. On considers that tyranny was adopted in political vocabulary of Romanian elite on the middle of 17th century from Western political thought. An episode from the first half of the 16th century was completely ignored, being labeled as a simple struggle for power. In 1523, Stephan the Young ordered the execution of his main counselor, Luca Arbure, an event which provoked a revolt of Moldavian boyars. Seeking refuge in Poland, Hungary, and Wallachia the Moldavian boyars attempted enthroning a new voivode, but in the battle of Roman Stephan the Young defeated boyars’ army. Our article focused on confrontation between Moldavian voievode and his coun­se­lors, Stephan the Young being accused of tyranny by his boyars. As a conse­quen­ce, the Moldavian issue became a topic of debate at the international con­gresses of Wiener Neustadt and Bratislava. There, the refugee boyars pre­sented their accusations and an emissary of prince defended his master and explained the reason of his actions. Following these discussions we get a new image of the con­flict, including the influence of Renaissance thought and Ottoman threat on po­li­ti­cal rhetoric and making decision


DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2022-17.1.217