Classica et Christiana, 19/1, 2024 /297

Challenges in the Literary Representations of the Self. Case Study: Accidia (Secretum, Petrarch)

Key-words: accidia, aegritudo, pestis, metaphor, conscience.

Abstract: The treatise Secretum proposes a type of literary representation of the conflicted, sick self, whose reactions are antagonized, distorting, through exaggeration or minimization, the evanescent data of reality. In the process of healing those parts of the soul through which the connection with God is restored, the assumption of destiny is a necessary stage. Positioning the self at the center of one’s own drama, recognizing one’s wounds, discovering one’s own resources that prevent its destructuring and dissolution are, from a Christian perspective, signs of concern for salvation, of love for the destiny of the soul after death.



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2024-19.1.297