

Stare policy and individual destinies.

Recruitment and retirment in Moesian and Dacian provinces.

Politica de stat şi destine personale.

Recrutare şi lăsare la vatră în provinciile daco-moesice

Proiect CNCS PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0383

 About                Team            Results     





The study of the Roman army has emphasised multiple dimensions, on account of the fact that the soldiers represented one of the most active categories in terms of the epigraphic record. In the last decades, the discovery of an impressive number of military diplomas shifted the dynamics of Roman military studies: from general military history or the history of several units, to the analysis of the soldier as an individual, and the role of the soldiers in provincial society or, more generally, in the daily life of the provinces. Recruitment was an issue which constantly preoccupied the scholars, as did provincial army composition ethnicity (Kraft 1951; Forni 1953; M. P. Speidel 1984, 1992). However, historians pay less attention to the enlistment and the historical events that can arguably be related to these moments. D. Dana and F. Matei-Popescu (2009) identified some important recruitment moments in the case of Dacian soldiers following only the evidence of military diplomas. An important step in the research of this phenomenon was acknowledging that Dacians represented an important segment of the local population of Dacia and Moesia Inferior. Thus, some of the moments identified by these authors concern the re-organization of the province of Moesia, the Dacian wars, the expedition in Judaea or the reform of the imperial guards. It is worth noting that the observations were made only in the case of auxiliary units, fleets or imperial guards and not for the legions. The observations of F. Matei-Popescu (Matei-Popescu 2010), as well as my own (together with the colleague I. Dumitrache — Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Dumitrache 2012) on the legio V Macedonica of Troesmis confirmed that one moment of enlistment was a war (the expeditio in Judaea under Hadrian) and identified a new one (the Parthian expedition of Trajan). However, the phenomenon of recruitment in the Lower Danube provinces (Dacia and Moesia Inferior) is far from being completely explored, both at the informational level and at the hermeneutical one. At the same time, the recruitment period is mostly known from the date of retirement: the moment of honesta missio provides not only data about the personal destiny of the soldier, but can offer a larger perspective on the mobility vectors of the soldiers.

Our project aims to broaden the perspective of the relationship between the moments of recruitment in the above-mentioned provinces and the history of these provinces and of the Roman Empire. Moreover, the periods of enlistment can reveal information not only for the Daciae and Moesiae, but also for the military history of other provinces and can provide an image of the Roman state’s policy of recruitment. The texts also indicate the particularities of the provincial recruitment in relation with the state policy. We intend to study not only the military diplomas, but all the epigraphic sources that contain direct or indirect information on enlistment.

To ensure meaningful results, the project relies on different approaches. In addition to identifying and interpreting the recruitment moments (the chronological perspective), we propose a spatial perspective concerning the main cities, towns or villages from where the soldiers were enlisted and the mobility vectors of the soldiers in all their complexity (the province or the provinces of their service or missions, their home return). In this way, some sources enable us to reconstitute individual stories from the beginning of the military service until retirement. The project likewise relies on a comparative approach. This will be achieved from two main points of view. Firstly, a comparative analysis of recruitments will be carried out with respect to the legions, on the one hand, and the auxiliary units, imperial fleets and imperial guards, on the other. Secondly, we will address the necessity of a selective comparison with the same processes in other provinces, in order to identify common features of recruitment. The main aim of the project is to identify, describe and interpret the way in which recruitment in the Lower Danube provinces was integrated in the wider pattern of Roman enlistment policies, and the particularities of these regions in this process.


O1. The detailed analysis of the state of art concerning soldiers’ enlistment, mobility, and retirement. An approach such as the one presented in these pages is necessary and will represent an original historiographic contribution, highlighting the dynamics in this scientific domain and the nuances of the aspects addressed; we will re-evaluate, if possible, the archaeological context of the finds. O2. The analysis of literary sources on the project’s main issues. Even if the information is scarce, collecting, highlighting and synthesizing this information will be useful not only for the project, but also new as historiographical achievement; O3. The analysis of epigraphic sources on recruitment and retirement in Moesia Superior. The military diplomas and the stone inscriptions will be investigated; we will identify the soldiers originating from the province or in the case of military diplomas, the discovery place (if known) will show us if they returned home. The analysis will take into account the legions, then the auxilia, the imperial fleets and the imperial guards. In the case of the legions, many soldiers, being citizens, did not preserve their native names or, being descendants of colonists, never had it; however, the mention of the origo make them inhabitants of these provinces. O4. The analysis of epigraphic sources on recruitment and retirement in Moesia Inferior. The same type of approach as in Moesia Superior will be followed. In the particular case of Moesia Inferior, all the inscriptions mentioning Thracian names or ethnonyms (like Thracus or Bessus) without any supplementary information should be carefully analysed and separately integrated in our corpus, because there are individuals who could have originated from Thracia. O5. The analysis of epigraphic and papyrological sources on recruitment and retirement in Dacia. On one hand, the main sources will be the military diplomas, which provide precise data on recruitment and retirement, as well on the retiring place. On the other hand, it is important to analyse the other sources related to recruitment and retirement periods: stone inscriptions, papyri (in a small number) and the ostraca of Egypt (where there are most likely Dacians recruited between the two Dacian wars). Like in the other cases, a separate analysis on the main units (legions, auxilia, etc.) will be followed. All the objectives O3–O5 will furnish original results. Our project, as detailed above, relies on historical sources, but if archaeological investigations will be necessary in the case of novel data, the expertise of several of the team members (I. C. Opriș, L. Bîrliba, I. Piso, R. Varga, F. Matei-Popescu) will solve this issue. O6. The setting of the main recruitment periods for each province and the setting of common periods of enlistments. We will identify the periods of regular recruitments and those generated by war, crises and other situations. Each main identified period will be explained. One of the meaningful and original results will be to know if there are recruitment periods common to both legions and other units. O7. The setting of the mobility vectors of the recruits. Firstly, we will set the main recruitment regions in the analysed provinces. It is already known from sources that Nicopolis ad Istrum, for instance, represents in the Severan era an important territory for the enlistments in the fleet and in the praetorian cohorts. We shall follow not only the provinces where they accomplished their service, but if possible, their mobility in other provinces and of course, their way back home. Of course, the local recruitments will constitute the subject of separate and original studies (for the history of these provinces). Thus, new mobility vectors will be put into the scientific circuits, followed by interactive maps of spatial analysis (In QGis) illustrating them. O8. The analysis of the retirement moments at shortly after. The approach consists in setting the place of retirement and the life of the veterans in the period following the honesta missio. A lot of studies following the individual destinies of militaries will be achieved. Another important and original aspect is the linguistic dynamics in the case of veterans: apart from their native language, did they know only Latin or did they learn other languages (the native languages of the provinces where they served, for example)? They certainly preserved their ethnic identity, but their linguistic identity could have changed. A study of this type has not yet been achieved. O9. The achievement of the synthesis, considering the accomplishment of the previous achievements. The main issue will follow the particularities of the recruitment policy in each province related to the enlistment policy of the Roman Empire. Another important and original issue will emphasize if the Moesian and Dacian provinces can represent together a model of recruitment within the Roman Empire.


1) the prosopographic analysis (trying to establish not only the origin family and region, but also the historical circumstances of the individuals’ mobility). In this respect, Prof. Birliba and some project members from Iaşi and Bucharest have completed an investigation of this kind for the families of Troesmis, but also for individual fates of soldiers from Moesia Inferior. The same model was proposed for the elite in Dacia by Ioan Piso (Fasti provinciae Daciae I. Die senatorischen Amtsträger, (Habelt Verlag) Bonn 1993; Fasti provinciae Daciae II. Die ritterlichen Amtsträger, (Habelt Verlag) Bonn 2013;

2) the epigraphic investigation, in order to analyse the link between the periods of recruitment and retirement and the life of veterans shortly after their honesta missio. In this respect, the previous studies for Lower Moesia of the team members (Mihailescu-Bîrliba 2019; Pázsint 2019) are relevant.

3) the investigation of literary and papyrological sources regarding the ancient authors’ opinion regarding recruitment, mobility and retirement of provincial soldiers;

4) the linguistic investigation. The analysis of soldiers’ mobility correlated to their epigraphic habit will provide meaningful results concerning their linguistic transformation.

5) the archaeological investigation, if necessary; this method will be applied if relevant archaeological finds will be discovered;

6) the spatial analysis, in order to realize the interactive maps of mobility;

7) also, the global method used for our analysis is novel, because it combines several methods, already applied in various fields, in an interdisciplinary approach. In this way, our project has an exploratory character, because is trying to propose a model of recruitment policy in the Lower Danube provinces of the Roman Empire and to emphasize the role of the natives of these provinces in the Roman army. Several milestones will be achieved: the analysis of the recruitment and moments in all researched provinces, the setting of mobility vectors and maps of spatial analysis on enlistment territories and on soldiers’ mobility, and whether a pattern of recruitment can be ascertained from these three provinces.



The project director, Prof. Dr Lucrețiu Bîrliba (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi) ) has not only led three major projects in the field of acculturation and Romanization, cultural interaction (see section B3), and his expertise is adequate for a project developed around the scientific exploration of the phenomena of recruitment and retirement in Moesian and Dacian provinces.

Prof. Dr Ioan Piso (Center of Roman Studies, “Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca) is a  highly internationally appreciated epigraphist, with vast expertise in any epigraphic investigation, and in prosopographic analysis and beyond any doubt in Roman army studies (2019).

Dr. Florian Matei-Popescu (Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest) is a scholar internationally recognized for his works in Roman army studies. His expertise will be necessary and useful in all the main issues of the project. 
Assoc. Prof. Marius Alexianu (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi) has achieved notable results in the analysis of linguistic situation in the Danubian provinces and the analysis of literary source (Alexianu 2019; Alexianu, Matei-Popescu 2019). His expertise will be useful in observing the linguistic dynamics of the recruits and his philological formation will be useful in analysis of literary texts. 
Assoc. Prof. Dr Ioan-Carol Opriș (University of Bucharest) has published several studies on Roman army, related to his archaeological research in Capidava (2019). He will take part in the analysis of epigraphic information 
Postdoctoral researcher Dr Rada Varga (Center of Roman Studies, “Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca)  is a young scholar whose research is focused on population studies. Her PhD thesis (Peregrini in Roman Dacia, Cluj-Napoca 2014), as well her research project Romans 1 by 1, the edited books at international publishing houses (2018) and the her personal researches in the camp of Războieni recommend her to assume the task of analyse mobility vectors in the studied provinces. 
Asoc. Prof. Dr Roxana-Gabriela Curcă (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi)  has published her PhD thesis on the bilingualism and the ethnic interferences in the Roman province Moesia inferior (2011). Her scientific approach makes use of linguistic tools in order to observe the interferences between natives and Roman soldiers in the Lower Danube provinces (2019). In the project, she will study not only the way the military has an influence on the language particularities of Moesia inferior, but also the onomastic interferences at the epigraphic level in this province. 
Postdoctoral researcher Dr Iulia Dumitrache (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi) dedicated her PhD thesis on the literary, epigraphic and papyrological sources on garum and salsamenta and valuable studies on occupational epigraphy (2018). She is prepared to assume the task of interpreting the historical data concerning the economic insertion of veterans in Moesia inferior. 
Postdoctoral researcher Ana Odochiciuc (Honcu) (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi) has published studies on public and private initiative (including the militaries) in the building phenomenon of Dacia and Moesia Inferior(2019). 
Postdoctoral researcher Anamária-Izabella Pázsint (“Babeș-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca) has published a valuable preliminary study on the veterans’ insertion in the daily life of Moesia Inferior (2019). 
PhD candidate Casian Gămănuț (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi) focuses his PhD thesis on military from Dacia in African provinces, under the supervision of the project’s leader, Prof. Lucrețiu Bîrliba.



Scientific report 2021              
Scientific report 2022
Scientific report 2023



  1. Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ioan Piso (eds), Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st-6th c. AD), Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden 2023, ISBN 978-3-447-12096-8.
  2. Iulia Dumitrache, Dan-Alexandru Suharoschi (eds.), Minorities at the edge of Empires. Proceedings of the Conference held in Deva (1st-8th September 2019), Parthenon Verlag, Kaiserslautern und Mehlingen, 2023, 137-154. ISBN 978-3-942994-24-8

Articles published in international databases journals 

  1. Annamaria-Izabella Pászint, Recruitment and Family Networks in Moesia Inferior, Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia 67, 2, 2022, 147-166 (published2023) (ERIH+)
  2. Casian Gămănuț, Two Dacian soldiers in Numidia during the reign of Septimius Severus, Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 28, 2, 2022, 404-416 (published 2023)(Scopus)
  3. Ana Honcu, Paul Ciubotaru,  A Greek grafitto  Discovered in the Sântana de Mureș-Cernyakhov Settlment from Negrilești, Galați County, Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 29,1, 2023, 123-139.(Scopus)

Books chapters published by inyernational publshing houses

  1. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Die wirtschaftliche Krise in der Römischen Provinz Moesia Inferior: Das Zeugnis der epigraphischen in R. Rollinger, S. Fink (eds.), Quellen „Krisen“ und „Untergänge“ als historisches Phänomen, Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2023, 271-290. ISBN 978-3-658-37040-4
  2. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, A New Military Diploma from Ibida (Moesia Inferior) (August 14th 99 AD), in Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ioan Piso, Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st-6th c. AD), Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden 2023, 475-487, ISBN 978-3-447-12096-8.
  3. Ana Honcu, Donations édilitaires des esclaves et des affranchis dans les provinces de Dacie et de Mésie Inférieure, in Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ioan Piso, Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st-6th c. AD), Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden 2023, 225-234, ISBN 978-3-447-12096-8.
  4. Ioan Piso, La Dacie Poétique (I), in Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ioan Piso, Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st-6th c. AD), Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden 2023, 309-324, ISBN 978-3-447-12096-8.
  5. Marius Alexianu, Moesia Inferior: Trilingualism Premises and Indicators, in Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ioan Piso, Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st-6th c. AD), Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden 2023, 531-544, ISBN 978-3-447-12096-8.
  6. Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Female Anthroponymy in Moesia Inferior: Derivational Suffixes, in Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ioan Piso, Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st-6th c. AD), Harrassowitz Verlag Wiesbaden 2023, 545-552, ISBN 978-3-447-12096-8.
  7. Ioan Piso, Beitrag zur palmyrenischen Onomastik in Dakien, in D. Hoffmann, A. Klingenberg, K. Zeimmermann (eds.), Religion und Epigraphik. Kleinasien, der griechische Osten und die Mittelmeerwelt. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Walter Ameling, Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, 2023, 401-406, ISBN 978-3774943841
  8. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Minorities in the Rural World. Reflections on Rural Population at the Edge of the Roman Empire: Moesia Inferior, in I. Dumitrache, D.-A. Suharoschi (eds.), Minorities at the edge of Empires. Proceedings of the Conference held in Deva (1st-8th September 2019), Parthenon Verlag, Kaiserslautern und Mehlingen, 2023, 69-81. ISBN 978-3-942994-24-8
  9. Iulia Dumitrache & Dan-Alexandru Suharoschi, The Imperial Cult in Apulum (Dacia Superior), in I. Dumitrache, D.- A. Suharoschi (eds.), Minorities at the edge of Empires. Proceedings of the Conference held in Deva (1st-8th September 2019), Parthenon Verlag, Kaiserslautern und Mehlingen, 2023, 137-154. ISBN 978-3-942994-24-8

Articles published in CNCS A-ranked publishing houses

  1. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Salt exploitation in Roman Dacia. Old and new researches: A short overview, in D. Aparaschivei, A. Berzovan (eds.), Studia Archaeologica et Linguistica. Miscellanea in honorem annos LXXV peragentis Professoris Adriani Poruciuc oblata, Presa Universitară Clujeană (editură CNCS A), Cluj-Napoca, 189-199, ISBN 978‐606‐37‐1785‐7
  2. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, The historiography on salt production and salt industry in the Roman Empire. An overview, in Petronel Zahariuc şi Bogdan Ceobanu (editori), Artă, școală și politică națională. Prinos închinat profesorului Ion I. Solcanu la împlinirea a 80 de ani, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași (CNCS A), Iași 2023, 221-233. ISBN 978-606-714-811-4
  3. Rada Varga, Prosopography of the non-elite in Roman Dacia. Historiographic approach, in S. Nemeti, I. Nemeti, F. Fodorean, S. Cociș (eds.), Est modus in rebus. Essays presented to Professor Mihai Bărbulescu at his 75th anniversary, Ed. Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2022, 61-69. (published at the end 2022, not included in  2022 report) ISBN 978-606-020-563-0

Other articles

  1. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Les Thraces dans les flottes pretoriennes au Ier s. ap. J.-C., Ephemeris Dacoromana, serie nuova, 23, 2021 (published2023), 7-24.
  2. A. Honcu, Les militaires de la Legio VII Claudia dans les inscriptions d’Italie, Ephemeris Dacoromana, serie nuova, 23, 2021 (published2023), 27-40.

Organized or co-organized conferences

  1. La romanita orientale e Italia dall’antichita fino al XX secolo, Roma,

Papers presented at national and international conferences

  1. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, De la Dunăre în Syria şi din nou acasă. Trei cazuri de soldaţi originari din mediu rural al Moesiei Inferior, Al XIX-lea Congres Internațional de genealogie și heraldică, Iași, aprilie 2023.
  2. Ana Honcu, Ștefan Honcu, Consideraţii privind un grafitto de pe o amforă Zeest 80 descoperită în spaţiul est-carpatic, Sesiunea stiintifica a Departamentului Istoria romanilor, universala si arheologie Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Chișinău, mai 2023.
  3. F. Matei-Popescu, Army and Civilian Settlements in the Moesian Provinces, Conferința internațională Water divides – water connects Roman military, commercial and cultural contacts from the Middle Danube to the Black Sea, Budapesta, mai 2023.
  4. Iulia Dumitrache, Dressed for (Military) Success: Official and Private Suppliers for the Roman Army during the Empire, la conferința Textiles and War in Europe and the Mediterranean from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, Bucharest, mai 2023.
  5. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, A. Honcu, Vectorii de mobilitate ai militarilor recrutați din mediul rural al Moesiei Inferior, Conferința internațională Interdisciplinary Archaeology. Methods, studies, results, Orheiul Vechi, august 2023.
  6. A. Honcu, Un posibil grafitto creștin pe un fragment de amforă, Conferința internațională Interdisciplinary Archaeology. Methods, studies, results, Orheiul Vechi, august 2023.
  7. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, A. Honcu, La mobilité des militaires recrutés du milieu rural de Mésie Inférieure: destinations, itinéraires, distances probables, Conferința internațională The Danubian Region and the Balkans during the Roman Empire in Military Inscription, Debrecen, septembrie 2023.
  8. F. Matei-Popescu, The Roman Army in Thracia, Conferința internațională The Danubian Region and the Balkans during the Roman Empire in Military Inscription, Debrecen, septembrie 2023.
  9. Rada Varga, Military presences from the Lower Rhine region in the Danubian provinces, Conferința internațională The Danubian Region and the Balkans during the Roman Empire in Military Inscription, Debrecen, septembrie 2023.
  10. Ioan Piso, Ovidiu Țentea, Religion, architecture and ideology in Colonia Dacica Sarmizegetusa, Conferința internațională The Danubian Region and the Balkans during the Roman Empire in Military Inscription, Debrecen, septembrie 2023.
  11. Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Annamaria-Izabella Pászint, Gynaikes. Regards sur les femmes du milieu militaire en Mésie Inférieure, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi, Accademia di Romania, Roma, 19-20 octombrie 2023,
  12. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, A. Honcu, The roads and the beneficiarii in Moesia Inferior, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi, Accademia di Romania, Roma, 19-20 octombrie 2023,
  13. F. Matei-Popescu, O. Țentea, Army and Civilians in roman Dacia during Trajan. A Review and an Update, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi, Accademia di Romania, Roma, 19-20 octombrie 2023,
  14. Ioan-Carol Opriș, Alexandru Rațiu, Everyday life on the Lower Danube limes during the Principate: Capidava in Moesia Inferior – the castellum, the balneum , and the civilian settlements with its necropolis, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi, Accademia di Romania, Roma, 19-20 octombrie 2023,
  15. Rada Varga, George Bounegru, The hinterland of the ala I Baravorum miliaria. Economic and social context, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi, Accademia di Romania, Roma, 19-20 octombrie 2023,
  16. Florian Matei-Popescu, Roemische Stadtmauern im Osten, Conferința internațională Stadtbelagerungen zwischen Ost und West: Belagerungsstrategien und Belagerungstechniken im Vergleich, Innsbruck, octombrie 2023.

Books published at CNCS A-ranked publishing houses

1. Ana Honcu, Aedes ad Danuvium. Inițiative publice și private în activitatea edilitară din Dacia și Moesia Inferior (secolele I-III p. Chr.), Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, ISBN 978-606-714-706-3.

 Articles published in Web of Science-Emerging Sources journals

1. Ioan Carol Opriș, Milestones from Capidava and the territorium Capidavense. Aurelian’s war against the Carpi inter Carsium et Sucidavam in a new light, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology 8, 4, 2021 (2022), 62-68.

2. Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Epigraphic and prosopographical notes on Q. Marcius Quadratus from Ibida, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology 8, 4, 2021 (2022), 19-24.

3. Rada Varga, The nature of Roman dominion over the province of Dacia. Notes on the romanization phenomenon and its limits, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 8, 4, 2021 (2022), 89-97.

4. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Roman army and salt exploitation in Sânpaul-Mărtiniș-Ocland area, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 9, 1, 2022, 95-107.

Articles published in international databases journals 

1. R. Varga, A. Rubel, Hercules Magusanus im Lager der ala I Batavorum milliaria in Războieni-Cetate (Kreis Alba, Rumänien), Germania : Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 99, 2022 (AWOL).

2. Ioan Piso, O. Țentea, Der Palmyrene P. Aelius Theimes, duumviralis der Colonia Dacica Sarmizegetusa, Zeitschrift fuer Papyrologie und Epigraphik 223, 2022, 277-284 (Scopus)

3. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Soldats provenant du milieu rural de la province de Mésie Inférieure dans les légions romaines, in Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi. Secţia Istorie 67, 2021 (2022), 129-133. (CEEOL)

Books chapters published by inyernational publshing houses
1. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba,L’installation à Troesmis de la legio V Macedonica: reflexions sur l’origine des militaires, in D. Tončinić, L. Zerbini (eds.), Traian and the Danubian Provinces. The Political, Economical and the Religious Life in the Danubian Provinces. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Roman Danubian Provinces Zagreb 15th-17th November 2017,  FF Press, Zagreb 2021 (apărut 2022), 149-154, ISBN 978-953-175-811-6
2. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Religious aspects of salt mining in Roman Dacia, in I. Piso, P. Forisek (eds.), Defending the polis-defending the Empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions, Budapest 2022, 73-86 ISSN 2559-8805
3. Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Prosopographia Ponti Euxini. Contributions to the study of the Pontic Greek world, in I. Piso, P. Forisek (eds.), Defending the polis-defending the Empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions, Budapest 2022, 133-144 ISSN 2559-88055
4. I. Piso, Studia Porolissensia (VII), in I. Piso, P. Forisek (eds.), Defending the polis-defending the Empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions, Budapest 2022, 145-156 ISSN 2559-8805
5. Rada Varga, Prosopographical notes on the medical personnel attested in Dacia and Pannonia, in I. Piso, P. Forisek (eds.), Defending the polis-defending the Empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions, Budapest 2022, 171-181 ISSN 2559-8805


Articles published in CNCS A-ranked publishing houses

1. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, M Les militaires originaires du milieu rural de Mésie Inférieure dans les flottes impériales: une étude préliminaire, in S.-P. Boțan, Șt, Honcu (eds.), In medias res antiquorum. Miscellanea in honorem annos LXV peragentis professoris Costel Chiriac oblata, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca 2022, 29-35, ISBN 978-606-020-445-9

2. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Les moments de recrutement des soldats originaires  du milieu rural de la Mésie Inférieure, in P. Zahariuc, L. Rădvan, L. Pilat (eds.), Istoria ca pasiune. Studii oferite profesorului Alexandru-Florin Platon la împlinirea a 65 ani, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Iași 2022, 97-126, ISBN 978-606-714-698-1

3. Ana Honcu, Inițiativa edilitară la Oblia în secolele I-III p. Chr., in S.-P. Boțan, Șt, Honcu (eds.), In medias res antiquorum. Miscellanea in honorem annos LXV peragentis professoris Costel Chiriac oblata, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca 2022, 29-35, ISBN 978-606-020-445-9

4. Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Notes on the Networks of Veterans in Moesia Inferior, in Sorin Nemeti, Irina Nemeti, Florin-Gheorghe Fodorean, Sorin Cociș (eds.), EST MODVS IN REBVS. Essays Presented to Professor Mihai Bărbulescu at his 75th anniversary, Cluj-Napoca, Mega, 2022.

Articles published in other journals

1. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Personnes d’origine italienne à Oescus (Mésie Inférieure), Ephemeris Dacoromana. serie nuova 22, 2020 (2022), 7-18.

Organized or co-organized conferences

1. La romanita orientale e Italia dall’antichita fino al XX secolo, Roma, 2-3.11.2021 (

2. Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

3. Societate și economie în provinciile daco-moesice, conferință sesiune în cadrul Congresului Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 9 septembrie 2022,

Papers presented at national and international conferences

1. Lucrețiu Bîrliba, The clerks of salt administration in Roman Dacia. Some remarks, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

2. Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Individual destinies in Moesia Inferior. The case of soldiers, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (
3. Ioan Piso, C. Timoc, La colonne votive pour Mars de Tibiscum, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

4. Rada Varga, Using RTI and photogrammetry to reconsider the Batavian presence in the province Dacia, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

5. Iulia Dumitrache, Trade networks in Roman Danubian provinces, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

6. Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Presences feminines en Mesie Inferieure: le cas d’Istros, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

7. Ana Honcu, Les veterans dans le milieu rural de Scupi (Mesie Superieure). Evidences epigraphiques, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

8. Florian Matei-Popescu, Drobeta: from municipium to colonia. A short overview, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

9. Marius Alexianu, Noms indigenes avec l’afriquee tz/ts dans les inscriptions de Pannonie, des Mesies et de Dacie, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

10. Ioan C. Opriș, Once again about the Early Byzantine Cilician fleet abd the annona shipments to Lower Danube. The 6th century epigraphic evidence, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

11. Casian Gămănuț, Legionnaries from Napoca in the Roman army of Numidia: recruitment, ethnicity, military careers, Mensa rotunda epigraphica, Iași, 20-21.09 2022 (

12. Lucrețiu Bîrliba, Despre prezența conductores salinarum la Micia, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022,

13. Ana Honcu, Considerații istorice despre miliarii din Moesia Inferior sub Marcus Aurelius, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022,

14. Rada Varga, Prosopografia grupurilor non-elitare din societatea romană. Istoriografie și tendințe, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022,

15. Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Inventarul onomastic feminin mixt în Moesia Inferior, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022,

16. Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Observații asupra veteranilor din Moesia Inferior, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022,

17. Florian Matei-Popescu, Populația Drobetei în epoca romană, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022,

18. Marius Alexianu, Interferențe etnice și multilingvism în Moesia Inferior, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022,

19. Casian Gămănuț, Intervenția Legiunii III Augusta în Dacia la începutul domniei lui Hadrian, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022,

20. F. Matei-Popescu, L. Bîrliba, INSCRIPTIONES SCYTHIAE MINORIS vol. VI, 4-5, Congresul Internațional de Epigrafie Greacă și Latină, Bordeaux, 29 august-2 septembrie 2022,

21.L. Bîrliba, Salt exploitation and the Roman army in Roman Dacia: the case of the Ocna Dejului-Gherla area, 7th International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Thessaloniki, 26-30 septembrie 2022,

22. Ana Honcu, Tituli operum publicorum provinciae Moesiae Inferioris, 7th International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Thessaloniki, 26-30 septembrie 2022,

23. I.C. Opriș, From 2nd-century barracks and 4th-century headquarters to 6th-century habitation and 10th-century dwellings for stratiotai. The Late Roman principia from Capidava, 7th International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Thessaloniki, 26-30 septembrie 2022,

24. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, A. Honcu, The Augustal Ulpius Domitius Hermes from Ulpia Sarmizegethusa: Aspects of the manifestation of the imperial cult in a border province, The cult of the ruler in Antiquity and the Middle Ages,

25. L. MIhailescu-Bîrliba, Les veterans dans le milieu rural d’Istros: une reevaluation du dossier epigraphique, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi,

26. R.-G. Curcă, Female onomastic strategies in Moesia Inferior, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi,

27. I.-C. Opriș, The Lower Danube Limes. Fresh approaches and relevant data, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi,

28. F. Matei-Popescu, O. Țentea, A. Rațiu, Limes Daciae inferioris, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi,

29. I. Dumitrache, The territory of Histria in the post-Parvan era, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’Antichita fino al secolo XX. Convegno italo-romeno di studi,

30. A. Honcu, Considerations historiques sur les miliaires de Mesie Inferieure sous Marc Aurele, 6th International Conference on Roman Danubian Provinces, Belgrad, 1-5.11.2022,

31. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Milestones in Moesia Inferior under the barracks emperors. Historical issues, 6th International Conference on Roman Danubian Provinces, Belgrad, 1-5.11.2022,

32. F. Matei-Popescu, Drobeta from Trajan to Hadrian, 6th International Conference on Roman Danubian Provinces, Belgrad, 1-5.11.2022,

33. R. Varga, The Batavian riders of Roman Dacia: between ethnic and cultural identity, Limes Congress XXV, Nijmegen, 21-27.8.2022,

34. R. Varga, he social and economic networks of Alburnus Maior, Networks and society. A historical perspective from the ancient world to the present, Timișoara, 17-18.03. 2022,

35. A.-I. Pázsint, Networks in Moesia Inferior. The Case of Veterans, A historical perspective from the ancient world to the present, Timișoara, 17-18.03. 2022,

36. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Le dossier épigraphique du règne d’Elagabale en Mésie Inférieure, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM «VARIUS ANTONINUS TIBERINUS». 1800 YEARS SINCE THE MURDER OF MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS (ELAGABALUS),

1st–5th November 2022, Belgrade and Viminacium – 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ROMAN DANUBIAN PROVINCES, ROMAN ROADS AND CROSSROADS     Afiş   Program


Books published at high-ranked international publishing houses

  1. Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Iulia Dumitrache (eds.), Persevera lucere. Studia in memoriam Octaviani Bounegru, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2021, ISBN 978-3-447-11687-9.

Articles in Web of Science-Journals 

  1. Ioan-Carol Opriș, An anonymous statio of Classis Flavia Moesica and laterFlaviana. All we know for now about Roman Rasova, Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology8.2, 2021, 47-64.

Articles in ERIH+ journals

  1. Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, The Bessi at Mihai Bravu (Moesia Inferior). An Overview, Studia Academica Shumenensia 7, 2020 (2021), 159-171.
  2. I. C. Opriș, News of Classis Flavia Moesica in Rasova. Reexamining the tile stamps of the fleet on the Lower Danube limes, Pontica (ERIH +) 53, 2020 (2021), 393-406.
  3. Casian Gămănuț, A Dacian Soldier from Mauretania Caesarensis. The case of Decineus and his frater, Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 27/1, 191-198
  4. L. Mihailescu‐Bîrliba, Les militaires provenant du milieu rural de la Mésie Inférieure dont l’origine est certaine: les cas des cohortes prétoriennes, StudiaAntiqua et Archaeologica 27/2, 467‐477

Articles and book chapters published by international publishing houses

  1. Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Quelques remarques sur la population de Topolog et de Mihai Bravu (nord de la Mésie Inférieure), in G. R. Tsetskhladze, A. Avram, J. Hargrave (eds.), The Greeks and Romans in the Black Sea and the Importance of the Pontic Region for the Graeco-Roman World (7th century BC-5th century AD): 20 Years On (1997-2017). Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Constanţa – 18-22 September 2017), Archaeopress, Oxford, 258-266.
  2. Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Antonio Ibba, Vicus Bad[—]: la contribution de l’épigraphie à la reconstruction du tissu socio-culturel d’un village de la Mésie Inférieure (Ier-IIIe siècle ap. J.-C), in F. Mitthof, C. Cenati, L. Zerbini (eds)., Ad ripam fluminis Danuvi. Papers of the 3rd International Conference on Roman Danubian Provinces, Vienna, 11th-14th November 2015, Holzhausen Verlag, Viena 2021, 15-38.
  3. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Les bénéficiaires des gouverneurs et les stations douanières en Mésie Inférieure, in L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, I. Dumitrache (eds.), Persevera lucere. Studia in memoriam Octaviani Bounegru, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2021,35-50.
  4. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, M. Alexianu, Salt exploitation and Roman army in Dacia: the Ocna Dejului-Sic-Cojocna-Gherla area, in L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, I. Dumitrache (eds.), Persevera lucere. Studia in memoriam Octaviani Bounegru, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2021, 119-124.
  5. Iulia Dumitrache, The Halieutic circuit in Scythia Minor: state of art and further approaches, in L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, I. Dumitrache (eds.), Persevera lucere. Studia in memoriam Octaviani Bounegru, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2021, 69-78.
  6. Ana Odochiciuc (Honcu), Donations dans la province de Mésie Inférieure: Summae honorariae et pollicitationes ob honorem, in L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, I. Dumitrache (eds.), Persevera lucere. Studia in memoriam Octaviani Bounegru, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2021, 95-100.
  7. Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Des utilisations du sel chez Caton, De agricultura, in L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, I. Dumitrache (eds.), Persevera lucere. Studia in memoriam Octaviani Bounegru, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2021, 221-226.
  8. Rada Varga, Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Prosopographical notes on the conductores publici portorii Illyrici, in L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, I. Dumitrache (eds.), Persevera lucere. Studia in memoriam Octaviani Bounegru, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2021, 101-117.
  9. Rada Varga, Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Labour Migration in the Roman World: The Case of Craftsmen, in V. Cojocaru, A.-I. Pázsint (eds.), Migration and Identity in Eurasia: from ancient times to Middle Ages, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca 2021, 115-138.
  10. L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, La démographie des militaires provenant du milieu rural de la Mésie Inférieure, in K. Balbuza, M. Duch, Z. Kaczmarek, K, Królczyk (eds.), Antiquitas aeterna. Classical Studies Dedicated to Leszek Mrozewicz on His 70th Birthday, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2021, 221-230.
  11. I. Piso, Colonia Dacica Sarmizegetusa, die erste römische Stadt nördlich der Donau, in K. Matijevic, R. Wiegels (eds.), Kultureller Transfer und religiöse Landschaften. Zur Begegnung zwischen Imperium und Barbaricum in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Göttingen 2021, 213-254. – ISBN – 9783110716443.
  12. Laurent Bricault, Dan Deac, I. Piso, Les cultes Isiaques à Sarmizegetusa, in S. Cristean, C. Timoc, E. C. de Sena (eds.), Africa, Egypt and the Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire. Population, Military and Religious Interconections, BAR Publishing, Oxford, 45-66.
  13. L. Mihailescu- Bîrliba, Militaires de Mésie Inférieure dans les Maurétanies, in S. Cristean, C. Timoc, E. C. de Sena (eds.), Africa, Egypt and the Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire. Population, Military and Religious Interconections, BAR Publishing, Oxford, 17-19
  14. A. Honcu, Constructions de Chersonèse aux Ier‐IIIe siècles après JC. Étude
    épigraphique, in V. Lebedinskij (ed.), Istoričeskie, kul’turnye, mežnacional’nye,
    religiosnye i političeskie svjazi Kryma so Sredizemnomorskie regionam i stranami
    vostoka, Moscova 2021, 15‐18, ISBN 978‐5‐907384‐40‐8.
  15. A. Honcu, A. Solcà, Les dieux originaires d’Anatolie en Mer Noire: petite étude de leurs influences cultuelles, in V. Lebedinskij (ed.), Istoričeskie, kul’turnye, mežnacional’nye, religiosnye i političeskie svjazi Kryma so Sredizemnomorskie regionam i stranami vostoka, Moscova 2021, 18‐21, ISBN 978‐5‐907384‐40‐8.

Articles and book chapters published in CNCS A-ranked publishing houses

  1. Rada Varga, Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Labour Migration in the Roman  World: The Case of Craftsmen, in V. Cojocaru, A.-I. Pázsint (eds.)Migration and Identity in Eurasia: From the Ancient Times to Middle Ages, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 2021, 115-139.

Papers presented at national and international conferences

  1. Lucrețiu Bîrliba, Tracii la Mihai Bravu (Moesia Inferior), Biografie-prosopografie-genealogie. Discuţii de metodologie şi studii de caz din Antichitate şi până în prezent, Iași, 13.04.2021 (
  2. Annamária-Izabella Pázsint, Prosopographia Ponti Euxini: Rezultate preliminare, Biografie-prosopografie-genealogie. Discuţii de metodologie şi studii de caz din Antichitate şi până în prezent, Iași, 13.04.2021 (
  3. Ioan Piso, Fasti provinciae Daciae. Elita imperiului în Dacia, Biografie-prosopografie-genealogie. Discuţii de metodologie şi studii de caz din Antichitate şi până în prezent, Iași, 13.04.2021 (
  4. Rada Varga, Vase cu grafitti descoperite în castrul alei I Batavorum milliaria, Biografie-prosopografie-genealogie. Discuţii de metodologie şi studii de caz din Antichitate şi până în prezent, Iași, 13.04.2021 (
  5. Iulia Dumitrache, Elitele locale la Apulum. Veteranii, Biografie-prosopografie-genealogie. Discuţii de metodologie şi studii de caz din Antichitate şi până în prezent, Iași, 13.04.2021 (
  6. Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Câteva consideraţii privind epigrafia Dobrogei romane târzii, Biografie-prosopografie-genealogie. Discuţii de metodologie şi studii de caz din Antichitate şi până în prezent, Iași, 13.04.2021 (
  7. Iulia Dumitrache, Consumul de garum în provinciile dunărene, Materialitate și aculturație în provinciile romane, Cluj-Napoca, 1.09.2021 (
  8. Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Onomastică și prosopografie într-un proiect deja anunțat: Militari originari din mediul rural al Moesiei Inferior în armata romană, Materialitate și aculturație în provinciile romane, Cluj-Napoca, 1.09.2021 (
  9. Ana Honcu, Recrutați local și totuși departe de casa: două cazuri din armata Moesiei Superior, Materialitate și aculturație în provinciile romane, Cluj-Napoca, 1.09.2021 (
  10. Ioan Piso, Ovidiu Țentea, Inscripțiile din noul templu palmyrean din Sarmizegetusa, Materialitate și aculturație în provinciile romane, Cluj-Napoca, 1.09.2021
  11. Lucrețiu Bîrliba, Les Thraces dans les flottes prétoriennes au Ier siècle ap. J.-C., La romanita orientale e Italia dall’antichita fino al XX secolo, Roma, 18-19.10.2021 (
  12. Ana Honcu, Vétérans d’origine italienne dans la province de Mésie Supérieure, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’antichita fino al XX secolo, Roma, 18-19.10.2021 (
  13. Rada Varga, Ethnic identity and group belonging: the case of the Batavians of Roman Dacia, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’antichita fino al XX secolo, Roma, 18-19.10.2021 (
  14. Roxana-Gabriela Curcă, Language of inscriptions in Scythia Minor (5th-6th centuries AD), La romanita orientale e Italia dall’antichita fino al XX secolo, Roma, 18-19.10.2021 (
  15. Ioan-Carol Opriș, Considerations on Classis Flavia Moesica. New data and an overall assessment of the issue, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’antichita fino al XX secolo, Roma, 18-19.10.2021 (
  16. Florian Matei-Popescu, Army and Urbanization in the Lower Danube Area, La romanita orientale e Italia dall’antichita fino al XX secolo, Roma, 18-19.10.2021 (
  17. Iulia Dumitrache, Colonization and Veterans Settlement in the ROman Province of Moesia Inferior, EAA Annual Meeting, Kiel, 6-11.09.2021 (file:///C:/Users/Luc/Downloads/2021_programme%20book_30%20August.pdf)
  18. Ștefan Honcu, Ana Honcu, Despre morile de mână descoperite în provincia Scythia Minor. Studiu de caz ‐ Argamum. sector Poarta Mică. Arheologie Interdisciplinară. Metode, studii, rezultate, 14‐17 august, Orheiul Vechi, Republica Moldova (
  19. Roxana‐Gabriela Curcă, Intitulatio imperială în epigrafele din Scythia Minor (sec. V‐VI), School of Advanced Studies, Colloquia Classica et Medioevalia Iassiensia I, Ideal Rulership ‐ Ideal Rulers, November, 5th_7th, 2021, Iași (



Prof. univ. dr. Lucreţiu Bîrliba

  • Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi
    Bd. Carol I, nr 11, 700506 – Iaşi, România
  • e-mail: