Classica et Christiana, 19/1, 2024 /149

Alenka CEDILNIK, Dominic MOREAU,
Macedonius of Constantinople, a True Eusebian? Contribution (IV) to the Christian Prosopography of the Dioecesis Thraciarum

Keywords: Macedonius I of Constantinople, Paul I of Constantinople, Eu­se­bians, persecution, George of Cappadocia/Alexandria.

Abstract: This paper deal with the figure of Macedonius, which was the second pro-Arian head of the Church of Constantinople, from 342 to 360, but with two periods of interruption, during which the pro-Nicene Paul regained his see. Macedonius became bishop because of the support he received from the Eusebians and kept his position as long as his conduct was in line with the efforts of this po­li-tico-religious faction. This meant asserting the pro-Arian doctrine of this group, as well as strengthening and expanding the sphere of influence of the episcopal see of Constantinople. As part of his efforts to achieve both goals, he introduced per­se­cution of pro-Nicenes and, as it seems, had a significant influence in the ap­point­ment of George of Cappadocia to the see of Alexandria.



DOI: 10.47743/CetC-2024-19.1.149